Sunday, February 20, 2011

More on the way


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

I'm sorry for being a bit dull with the blog this week. Studies seem to be making their presence very much felt. But as a compensation, InshAllah I shall be starting something new on this blog. Allhamdullilah, I was able to come across some very interesting Muslim inventions so I've decided to share them with you. At the moment I have, about 12 of them. InshAllah I will post one up every Monday. They are quite informative and show us how our ancestors balanced their deen and their dunya(their religon and the world). I hope all of us benefit from it. 

Also I would like it if you would visit They have very kind as to ask me to post on the "I Love the Sunnah" section of the blog whenever possible. A little extract from their 'About us':

This is a group blog by Muslims who refuse to be stereotyped (been there, done that, let’s move on!); and it is for all of you out there who think & wonder: are “these people” for real?
It is meant to be a space to write, read, ponder, discuss, think about, understand and share your experiences, ideas, reservations, “ping” moments & what- have- you about your deen – your life in these challenging times.
InshaAllah, we aim to post articles, audios, videos, images & presentations which cut through the noise of all those warped, ‘where-do-they- get-it-from?’ crazy perceptions of Islam and Muslims.
Chip in, we want your voice and your feedback.
Bring your brain and your heart!

Jazakallah Khayran
Take care :)


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