Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunnah # 18

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
For this week, there is another easy sunnah to follow but unfortunately we tend to forget it. One of the ways to remember it is to make a note of it and put it besides our pillow or by the alarm clock so that when we wake up, we remember to follow it. 

When the eyes open in the morning, say Al'hamdulillah 3 times and after reciting Kalimah Tayyibah - Laa ilaaha illallaahu Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullaah - read this du'aa: 
Al'hamdu lillaahil lazi a'hyaanaa ba'damaa amaatanaa wa ilayhin nushoor
"All Praise be to Allah Who gave us life after having given us death and(our) final return (on the Day of judgement) is to Him."
What better than to start the day by praising the All Mighty!
Have a great week :)
P.S. My exams have finally finished and so I will inshAllah not neglect this blog as it has sorrowfully been done for the past month. InshAllah a new series of weekly post, besides the sunnahs will be coming up. If there is anything in particular that any of you would like to read about then do let me know either in the comments below or email me at JazakAllak khair :)


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