Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lets begin, shall we?


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In this world where sometimes losing your grip on your faith is easy, one has to make an extra effort not to go astray. Many a times, we feel as if our obligatory deeds have turned robotic. They don't seem enough to help us stick to the right path...properly. Thats where the Prophet(P.B.U.H)'s sunnahs come in. They're a great way to keep our head straight and remind us of our real purpose in this world. They can be as simple as smiling as our parents or siblings. The purpose of this blog was to remind(or make aware of...whichever way you choose) us of the small extra deeds of the prophet(P.B.U.H.) which could help keep us on track. InshAllah I will post a sunnah every Sunday(one week interval). I hope it helps the readers. :)



  1. Assalamualaikum.
    Stumbled upon your blog thru facebook, where i was intrigued by your being associated with Nakhla, while looking at zaynab academy's members list!
    nice effort with the blog, may Allah accept from you.
